Duolingo test sample questions
Duolingo test sample questions

duolingo test sample questions

Posted in Blog, Duolingo Leave a commentĪ new article in British newspaper i is critical of the Duolingo English Test. They did that some months ago and schools that pay attention to that sort of thing have already adjusted their cut scores, as I’ve reported over the past eight or nine months. Perhaps early access to the results of this study encouraged Duolingo to adjust its score conversion tables. There are many things that affect academic success. Or it may have nothing to do with the test.

duolingo test sample questions

The lower academic success of DET test-takers may have something to do with the test itself.Or perhaps students arriving with DET scores may need additional academic support to reach their full potential. Given the above, perhaps higher DET cut scores are needed.Students accepted with DET scores enjoyed lower academic success than those accepted with TOEFL and IELTS scores.The same is true of TOEFL and IELTS scores. At the undergraduate level, DET scores were not related to academic success. Students with higher DET scores had more academic success. At the postgraduate level, DET scores were related to academic results.Just published in “ Language Testing” are the results of a study into the predictive validity of the Duolingo Engl i sh Test.

Duolingo test sample questions